In the Spotlight: PKI Team

Recently, our Defense Health Agency (DHA) Cyber Security (CS) employees in San Antonio were audited by the Joint Forces Headquarters DoDIN Readiness and Inspection Team. The results of this audit were nothing short of outstanding and this is what the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) DHA CS PKI Team Lead stated, “The SIPR RA Audit was 100% successful” and “I can’t even begin to tell you how remarkable that is. I have been involved in hundreds of Audits from CCRIs, to CSIs, to ATO Audits. To have (0) findings (2) years in a row is nothing short of a miracle.”


Additionally, the JFHQ DODIN Team Lead wrote in the Summary of the Out-Brief, “All items in the Audit Checklist were covered by the PKI RA Team with timely and in-depth notes for each of the requirements. … The RA PKI Team was responsive within the guidelines and restrictions placed on DHA and JFHQ-DODIN in light of COVID-19 restrictions. The PKI Site POC was pro-active in all phases of this Compliance Audit. This was a successful audit. The DHA RA Team may continue with RA Operations as per the RPS as written and approved.”


The NIWC PKI Lead also shared these comments on each of the key team members:

Jacob Keskes – Worked diligently over the past few months preparing for this audit and for providing the proper documentation and artifacts.
John Borges – Assisted Jacob in preparing documentation for this Audit. In addition, he acted as a Trusted Agent to JFHQ DODIN Inspection Team for this Virtual Audit.


Please help us congratulate our TM3 Team Members for not only a job well done, but one done SUPERBLY that few, if any, can state they have achieved once, much less back-to-back in subsequent years. Jacob and John not only conducted themselves as true professionals with attention to detail and a thorough knowledge of the requirements, but their contribution and results shine a light on the exceptionalism found with TM3 Solutions and our employees.


Results like these get noticed and rest assured yours have been noted throughout NIWC and the Defense Health Agency. Thank you, gentlemen, you make us proud!!!