2800 Eisenhower Avenue STE 220 #53 Alexandria, VA 22314
The SBA 8(a) set aside allows contracting officers to meet agency socio-economic goals and help socially and economically disadvantaged businesses get their fair share of contracting opportunities.
Contract Number: SBA 8(a) Case Number: C0066s
DUNS Number: DUNS 158391099
Contract Ordering Period: SBA 8(a) Entrance Date: 07/01/2016; SBA 8(a) Exit Date: 07/01/2026
Government wide access
The SBA 8(a) set aside allows contracting officers to meet agency socio-economic goals and help socially and economically disadvantaged businesses get their fair share of contracting opportunities.
Full details are listed on the 8(a) Small Business Program Website: 8(a) program administration (sba.gov)
The 8(a) sole source vehicle provides agencies a simplified and shortened acquisition procedure: